Vajrakila Retreat


If you wish to enact the activity ritual specific to this deity, use the great red averting torma. Sprinkle poison and blood on the mandala that is the basis of the activity. Place on this either a properly laid-out diagram in colored sand or a painted version of a three-sided chojung with a ring of fire around it and a wheel within it complete with rim and hub. If either of these diagrams is unobtainable, it will be sufficient to use a piece of skin soaked in blood with piles of black grain on it. On a tripod in the center of this in an iron vessel, place a red torma molded of dough made from the raw flour of some black grain moistened with blood. The torma is called "thunderbolt" and has sharp, blade-like edges. Around it are small offering tormas equal in number to the
deities, and on top of it is the representation of Vajrakilaya and a garuda, over which is placed a canopy of black silk. As well, wrathful ornaments are arranged in a grand and fierce display: Bowls of blood, fragrant tse grass, mustard seed, red brambles, a plaque marked "XXX" and so forth. Finally, these are surrounded by the wrathful sense offerings (the "great red" for drinking water and so forth). Gather together the necessary articles for the ritual: A phurba, an effigy and the substances for dividing, casting down, suppressing and rendering mad, the power substances, the liberating knife, the hammer, triangular ladles and so on.

Rinpoche Praying Seven Line Prayer of Guru Rinpoche

Prayer Requests

Making prayer requests to Lamas and the sangha of practitioners is a traditional and widely Buddhist activity practiced for centuries up to the present. Combined with prayers, lamp offerings may be made to support and celebrate positive circumstances, as well as to help people in difficult times or during uncertain transitions. The gift of light and the accompanying prayers help to bring about less suffering and greater happiness in times of illness, loss, uncertainty, and death. Requests are carried out at Padma Samye Ling as well as in India by the monks and nuns in Rinpoche's monasteries.