Phallus Amulet for Protection

Lama Drukpa Kinley, affectionately known as the 'Divine Madman' is one of the most beloved saints in Bhutan. He was a raconteur, breaking down conventional realities by literally pushing the norms and mores of the times. The weapon he chose was the 'Divine Thunderbolt of Wisdom'-  the penis which is depicted today in most Bhutanese homes in all manners of manifestations.

The Phalluses are believed to ward off evil spirits and protect houses/people.  When blessing (!) a newly built house the phallus plays a leading role.
Five phalluses (or daggers) are used, signifying the five different manifestations of Lord Jambayang (a god).  According to Dasho Lam Sanga “On the eastern eave is placed a white dagger representing peace, purity, and harmony.  A red coloured dagger representing wealth and power is placed on the west.  The yellow dagger representing prosperity is placed on the south, and on the north is placed the green dagger representing protection. The fifth dagger placed inside the house is usually blue in colour and symbolizes wisdom.”  These are put in place in a tug-of-war like ceremony between the men on the roof and the women at ground level standing on the eastern eave of the house.  A basket of five cocks are tied along the rope and the games begin.  Eventually the phalluses reach the eaves of the house and are put in place.  I’m told quite a bit of Ara (local wine) is also involved ….. maybe its helps with any performance anxiety 

The Phallus Amulet

Kama Chakra

The first mantra of Kama Chakra will purify the experiences of sex, love, affection and desire by
making them more available to you, so you can integrate them.
Om Dheem Ram Dheem Ram Dheem Ram 
Ma Ma Kama Chakra Prakshalana Avaham 
Dheem  physical body, envelope
Ram*  pleasure, in an elevated, spiritual sense
Ma  mother’s womb, substance of the matrix
Kama  pleasures of desire
Chakra  wheel, center, perpetual movement
Prakshalana     purify, or cleanse
Avaham manifest, bring to be