Real Old Antique Blessing Tibetan Buddhism Ritual Phurba Dorje

Vajrakilaya ~ Dorje-Phurba

Vajra-kila-ya (Sanskrit) and Dorje-phurba (Tibetan) mean “Irreducible depth truth piercing through like a dagger-spike”. The sharp point of the 3-edged phurba nails destructive influences and forces them to reform. Enlightening power pierces through the painful ignorance at the root of aggressive anger, desperate greediness, fearful clinging, insecure envy, and arrogant egotism. Penetrating the root of emotional afflictions and intellectual obscurations, the dagger of awareness alleviates problems by purifying their power to do damage.
What if life were like a dream, and in that dream you forgot how truly powerful you were? What if in that dream you forgot how helpful you could be? What if you forgot how much everyone is counting on you to find your way to authentic power and purity? What if you forgot your duty to find and offer your song?
Through Vajrakilaya practice you wake up and realize you are not some small ordinary being. At your most authentic, there is a part of you that is an imposing presence of the intense power of inherent enlightened nature. This part of you manifests as an uncompromising form that liberates negativity by nailing and overpowering its root causes. You fight ignorant fire with enlightened fire, negative force with enlightened force. Some can readily access this aspect of themselves. Others will need to work with increased concentration to find this inner potential.
There are four steps to accomplishing effective Vajrakilaya visualization meditation.
First, like a pledge in a fraternal lodge, you promise to achieve full activation by identifying with this special part of your genetic and karmic makeup.
Next, your pledge vow attracts from the universe the reassuring verification of the truth of the wisdom you promise to engage.
Then in your committed heart of hearts you compassionately visualize, verbalize, and vitalize your power to remove inner and outer obstacles to peace, happiness, and enlightenment for everyone throughout the world.
Finally, in a completion stage, your fully unified energies work to change the very structure of your body and spirit and thereby the entire universe itself.
In our currently challenging times, anxiety over unpredictable violence, cultural upheaval, natural disasters, and financial havoc creates fierce disturbing thought-forms as forces in action. With billions of people concerned over threats to peace and fulfillment, shared thought-forms create a web of great turmoil throughout the world. This in turn ignites even more afflictive emotions, creating inner obstacles to enlightened happiness, which in turn manifest as more outer obstacles in life. For many reasons, Vajrakilaya practice is especially appropriate and necessary now at this difficult point in the 21st Century, for individuals and the world as a whole.
Vajrakilaya rites use the power of the phurba dagger-spike to overthrow obstructions to enlightened goodness. Obstacles manifest as internal afflictions like mental or emotional distress, or as external blights like plague, pestilence, invasion, drought, famine, or problem entities we might call demons or ghosts. 

The Old Phurpha is more than 150 years Old.
with relic

only 5 Pcs available